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The psychological needs of mothers with Type 1 diabetes (T1D) in the perinatal period
The University of Surrey, United Kingdom This research project aims to learn more about the experiences of mothers/ birthing parents with Type 1 Diabetes during pregnancy, birth, and the post-partum period. If you identify as a new mother/ birthing parent with Type 1 Diabetes, you may be eligible to take part in this online survey focused on better understanding the psychological needs of this population during the perinatal period. We hope to use this information to improve services for mothers/ birthing parents with Type 1 Diabetes. Duration: 20 minutes Criteria: 18+, mother/ birthing parent to child under 1, type 1 diabetes diagnosis
Impacts of Anxiety on Help-seeking Behaviors
Austin College, United States Social anxiety is one of the most impairing forms for anxiety, as it significantly limits one’s ability to engage and connect with others. Many sufferers may wait for several years before seeking any form of treatment. This delay in seeking help has been considered in previous research, though there has yet to be a comparative examination of help-seeking behavior among those with generalized versus social anxiety, and a lack of analysis regarding help-seeking behaviors aside from mental health. Duration: 30 minutes Criteria: 18 years and older
Shape-matching; exploring the relationship between perception and avoidance
University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom You will be asked to match shapes presented sequentially at different orientations on a computer screen- this will involve responding via button press (spacebar) to matching shape patterns. You will then be asked to complete a battery of questionnaires that measure autistic and demand avoidance traits (Autism Spectrum Quotient; Extreme Demand Avoidance Questionnaire- Adult). You will also be asked to provide details about your age, identified gender, and neurotype (inc. any formal diagnoses). Duration: 60 minutes Criteria: Participants must be +18yrs and have normal or corrected to normal vision
Emotion and culture
Mid Sweden University, Poland You'll watch a short fragment of Breadwinner) and answer few questions about your experience, there will be a few questions about yourself before. all takes ~`5-20 min. Requires: calm and quiet setting to fully focus. There are no wrong answers. To participate fully, this study requires typical vision or hearing capabilities. It might not be suitable for individuals with conditions afecting emotions or thoughts. Participation is voluntary. You can withdraw at any point Duration: 5 minutes Criteria: 18+
Understanding homesickness and its impact over time for different individuals
University of East Anglia, United Kingdom We would like to understand how different individuals experience homesickness(HS) over time, its impact on well-being and if certain coping strategies (used to address HS) are deemed more effective for some people than others. We aim to use our results to help people who desperately miss their homes address their HS more effectively. This study has 5 parts, each 2 months apart. Part 1 will take about 45mins to complete. Participants can later choose to complete parts 2-5 of 10 OR 30mins each. Duration: 45 minutes Criteria: Aged 18 years or older; Must have experienced homesickness before.